G'day Dan,
Thanks for b5.
Some initial testing with the IC-92AD on Win XP.
It is now neater to export to different formats with the drop down
options in the menu structure. Thanks.
> - Added SKIP and bank information to CSV and Chirp files
Confirmed for SKIP. One problem though is that when I tried to export
to CSV the Bank Number was written, but not the Bank. This may be
related to one of the other Bank issues raised below... I haven't tried
.chirp format yet.
> - Improve thread performance when using 9x radios
Yes, this is noticable and it was good to see the number of entries left
to process in [ ].
> - Added bank name editor for 2820 and 9x radios
Confirmed. One strange thing I noticed was that as soon as I entered a
Name next to the Bank, in the Bank Tab, the Bank dropped to the end of
the list, requiring a manual re-sort.
Also, when I selected the list of Banks in the drop down menu of the
Memory screen it displayed them as "A-", "B-", etc. I wasn't sure if it
was meant to display the Bank and the Bank Name or if the "-" was an
I'll try to do some more testing a bit later today.
> I think this is pretty much where we need to be,
> feature-wise.
Any chance of squeezing in the ability to add / edit the various CALL
memories or do you want to leave that till a later version?
Thanks again,