[chirp_users] Errors In Importing CSV

Has anyone else experienced problems importing a CSV file. I'm using the latest build of CHiRP and have used CHiRP with various radios for about a year now. I created (exported) a CSV from a BaoFeng UV5R. I added some memory locations to the file and saved the CSV. The UV5R was connected to the computer, CHiRP (5/21) started and read the layout from the radio. When I tried to import the CSV file it gave an error that it could only read the first 16 lines and was unable to handle lines 17 to 92. Ideas?
-- Charles J. Hargrove - N2NOV NYC ARECS/RACES Citywide Radio Officer/Skywarn Coord.
NYC-ARECS/RACES Net Mon. @ 8:30PM 147.360/107.2 PL http://www.nyc-arecs.org and http://www.nyc-skywarn.org
NYDXA SWL & Scanner Net Wed. @ 9PM 147.360/107.2 PL http://www.n2nov.net
"Information is the oxygen of the modern age. It seeps through the walls topped by barbed wire, it wafts across the electrified borders." - Ronald Reagan
"The more corrupt the state, the more it legislates." - Tacitus
"Molann an obair an fear" - Irish Saying (The work praises the man.)
"No matter how big and powerful government gets, and the many services it provides, it can never take the place of volunteers." - Ronald Reagan

I think you may have to enable all of the memory positions on the downloaded layout before trying to read the new csv import to the rig. From a past post to this list so maybe a search of the archives will show it.
Marty kd8bj On 05/22/2013 10:55 AM, Charles J. Hargrove wrote:
Has anyone else experienced problems importing a CSV file. I'm using the latest build of CHiRP and have used CHiRP with various radios for about a year now. I created (exported) a CSV from a BaoFeng UV5R. I added some memory locations to the file and saved the CSV. The UV5R was connected to the computer, CHiRP (5/21) started and read the layout from the radio. When I tried to import the CSV file it gave an error that it could only read the first 16 lines and was unable to handle lines 17 to 92. Ideas?
-- Charles J. Hargrove - N2NOV NYC ARECS/RACES Citywide Radio Officer/Skywarn Coord.
NYC-ARECS/RACES Net Mon. @ 8:30PM 147.360/107.2 PL http://www.nyc-arecs.org and http://www.nyc-skywarn.org
NYDXA SWL & Scanner Net Wed. @ 9PM 147.360/107.2 PL http://www.n2nov.net
"Information is the oxygen of the modern age. It seeps through the walls topped by barbed wire, it wafts across the electrified borders." - Ronald Reagan
"The more corrupt the state, the more it legislates." - Tacitus
"Molann an obair an fear" - Irish Saying (The work praises the man.)
"No matter how big and powerful government gets, and the many services it provides, it can never take the place of volunteers." - Ronald Reagan
chirp_users mailing list chirp_users@intrepid.danplanet.com http://intrepid.danplanet.com/mailman/listinfo/chirp_users

This may have been brought up before, but when I first tried to read the memorys from the TH-F6. I got a blank screen. After a little research, I found out that the Ext Mic/Spkr connector on the radio can be programed for Mic/Spkr, TNC or PC. Changed it to PC and everything worked great. Thanks for the program.
Jim, W6LLP

I would look very carefully at the differences between lines 16 and 17 with a plain text editor. Probably some small format error.
The CSV format must be exact.
73 Ted W1GRI
-----Original Message----- From: chirp_users-bounces@intrepid.danplanet.com [mailto:chirp_users-bounces@intrepid.danplanet.com] On Behalf Of Charles J. Hargrove Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 11:55 AM To: chirp_users@intrepid.danplanet.com Subject: [chirp_users] Errors In Importing CSV
Has anyone else experienced problems importing a CSV file. I'm using the latest build of CHiRP and have used CHiRP with various radios for about a year now. I created (exported) a CSV from a BaoFeng UV5R. I added some memory locations to the file and saved the CSV. The UV5R was connected to the computer, CHiRP (5/21) started and read the layout from the radio. When I tried to import the CSV file it gave an error that it could only read the first 16 lines and was unable to handle lines 17 to 92. Ideas?
-- Charles J. Hargrove - N2NOV NYC ARECS/RACES Citywide Radio Officer/Skywarn Coord.
NYC-ARECS/RACES Net Mon. @ 8:30PM 147.360/107.2 PL http://www.nyc-arecs.org and http://www.nyc-skywarn.org
NYDXA SWL & Scanner Net Wed. @ 9PM 147.360/107.2 PL http://www.n2nov.net
"Information is the oxygen of the modern age. It seeps through the walls topped by barbed wire, it wafts across the electrified borders." - Ronald Reagan
"The more corrupt the state, the more it legislates." - Tacitus
"Molann an obair an fear" - Irish Saying (The work praises the man.)
"No matter how big and powerful government gets, and the many services it provides, it can never take the place of volunteers." - Ronald Reagan
_______________________________________________ chirp_users mailing list chirp_users@intrepid.danplanet.com http://intrepid.danplanet.com/mailman/listinfo/chirp_users ----- No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - www.avg.com Version: 10.0.1432 / Virus Database: 3162/5847 - Release Date: 05/22/13

I believe that this is a known issue with excel. It has been discussed in the UV-5R group on Yahoo!. It adds extra commas or something.
Take a look at the file with a text programmer's editor and see what the difference is between 16 and 17.
On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 11:55 AM, Charles J. Hargrove n2nov@nyc-arecs.orgwrote:
Has anyone else experienced problems importing a CSV file. I'm using the latest build of CHiRP and have used CHiRP with various radios for about a year now. I created (exported) a CSV from a BaoFeng UV5R. I added some memory locations to the file and saved the CSV. The UV5R was connected to the computer, CHiRP (5/21) started and read the layout from the radio. When I tried to import the CSV file it gave an error that it could only read the first 16 lines and was unable to handle lines 17 to 92. Ideas?
-- Charles J. Hargrove - N2NOV NYC ARECS/RACES Citywide Radio Officer/Skywarn Coord.
NYC-ARECS/RACES Net Mon. @ 8:30PM 147.360/107.2 PL http://www.nyc-arecs.org and http://www.nyc-skywarn.org
NYDXA SWL & Scanner Net Wed. @ 9PM 147.360/107.2 PL http://www.n2nov.net
"Information is the oxygen of the modern age. It seeps through the walls topped by barbed wire, it wafts across the electrified borders." - Ronald Reagan
"The more corrupt the state, the more it legislates." - Tacitus
"Molann an obair an fear" - Irish Saying (The work praises the man.)
"No matter how big and powerful government gets, and the many services it provides, it can never take the place of volunteers." - Ronald Reagan
chirp_users mailing list chirp_users@intrepid.danplanet.com http://intrepid.danplanet.com/mailman/listinfo/chirp_users
participants (5)
Charles J. Hargrove
Jim and Karen
Jim Unroe
Marty Hartwell
Ted Wrobel