I believe that this is a known issue with excel. It has been discussed in the UV-5R group on Yahoo!. It adds extra commas or something.

Take a look at the file with a text programmer's editor and see what the difference is between 16 and 17.


On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 11:55 AM, Charles J. Hargrove <n2nov@nyc-arecs.org> wrote:
Has anyone else experienced problems importing a CSV file.  I'm using the
latest build of CHiRP and have used CHiRP with various radios for about a
year now.  I created (exported) a CSV from a BaoFeng UV5R.  I added some
memory locations to the file and saved the CSV.  The UV5R was connected to
the computer, CHiRP (5/21) started and read the layout from the radio.  When
I tried to import the CSV file it gave an error that it could only read the
first 16 lines and was unable to handle lines 17 to 92.  Ideas?

Charles J. Hargrove - N2NOV
NYC ARECS/RACES Citywide Radio Officer/Skywarn Coord.

NYC-ARECS/RACES Net Mon. @ 8:30PM 147.360/107.2 PL
http://www.nyc-arecs.org and http://www.nyc-skywarn.org

NYDXA SWL & Scanner Net Wed. @ 9PM 147.360/107.2 PL

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