Re: [chirp_users] CHIRP and the Kenwood TH-F6A; syncing with Icom

On 2016-05-26 18:43:-0400, you wrote:
I have a Kenwood TH-F6a. So just for the fun of it, I attached CHIRP to it and read it in live mode. I copied and pasted on of the channels from the TH-F6 tab to a tab from one of my Baofeng radios (a loaded .img file). No problem.
I did this, too. Interesting inconsistency. In fact, I copied a block successfully, which was my goal.
Then I followed the instructions that you pasted into your post and exported the TH-F6a to a .csv file. I imported this into the image of my Baofeng radio also without any problem.
I had saved to a .chirp file.
And just for good measure, I exported the TH-F6a to a .chirp file and imported it into my Baofeng radio image. No problem.
I could not load the F6A .chirp file into the tab with the Icom image. Same error. Tried rewriting the .chirp. Same result. I can achieve my goal, so that meets my needs now, but still leaves the question...maybe I am still missing a point?
Part of the difference, I suppose, is that I am not trying to load 2 instances of CHIRP. I am doing it with multiple tabs in a single instance of CHIRP.
Indeed...dunno why it didn't occur to me to try...guess I figured that multi-instances worked the same as tabs.
p.s. This still leaves a few questions from the original post unanswered...why is the F6A live? Why not save an image (likely related to previous question)?
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