I just had that happen with a new USB cable. Was pushed in plenty far but it put the UV5R into transmit. As soon as I told chirp to read the radio, it came out of transmit and read the radio just fine. Then I made changes and wrote back to the radio with no problem.
I turned the radio off and back on and it went back into transmit. Something strange with that cable..
On 11/17/2016 7:19 PM, Ronny Julian wrote:
I have a couple of 888s UHF radios and the cable I have for them is coming up on COM 3 Problem is the radio goes into transmit when connected to the cable and turned on. The cable has worked on my UV-5R radios before but now also puts them into transmit. The only thing that has changed is i have gone to a laptop (Windows 10) to a desktop machine (Also Windows 10).
Any ideas?
Thanks! Ronny K4RJJ
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