Re: [chirp_devel] Yaesu FT-897D support

Hi Emil,
I have an FT-897D and would be happy to do some testing should there be a need.
We just pushed the FT-857 support into the tree, and it will be in tomorrow's daily build. Could you attempt to use the 857 driver to download an image from your 897? If it works, it should grab all the data from the radio, but then chirp will complain once completed. However, if you ignore the errors and go to File->Save As, you should be able to save out the memory map as a .img file. If that works, could you send it to us for analysis?
Did you get subscribed to the development list?

Yep, I've subscribed to the developers list. I'll keep an eye out for the new build and try it out. I'll let you know how I go and, hopefully, have an image file for you.
At some point, time permitting, I plan on trying out a serial sniffer program between my Icom IC-746 and a Windows machine in order to attempt reverse engineering the way it reads and writes to the radios memory. I can pass on my findings if you're interested.
Sorry I can't be of more assistance but my coding skills are rather rudimentary.
Have fun! Emil - VK3NAF
On 08/02/2012, at 2:41 AM, Dan Smith wrote:
Hi Emil,
I have an FT-897D and would be happy to do some testing should there be a need.
We just pushed the FT-857 support into the tree, and it will be in tomorrow's daily build. Could you attempt to use the 857 driver to download an image from your 897? If it works, it should grab all the data from the radio, but then chirp will complain once completed. However, if you ignore the errors and go to File->Save As, you should be able to save out the memory map as a .img file. If that works, could you send it to us for analysis?
Did you get subscribed to the development list?
-- Dan Smith KK7DS

At some point, time permitting, I plan on trying out a serial sniffer program between my Icom IC-746 and a Windows machine in order to attempt reverse engineering the way it reads and writes to the radios memory. I can pass on my findings if you're interested.
Okay, I have code for Icom CAT radios that should be pretty close for the 746. Some day I'll get back to that work and you can help test :)

Hi all,
I have found a wee Perl script that extracts the EEPROM from Yaesu FT-8x7 transceivers via the CAT interface and outputs it as an ASCII hexdump to the console. This can be found here:
No need to put it in clone mode either. :-)
I used this today to extract the EEPROMs from my FT-817ND and FT-897D and have attached them here as a zip file. I figured you may find this useful for comparison as I have programmed both radios with the same local repeaters in memory, in the same order etc.
Hope this helps.
Have fun! Emil - VK3NAF

Hi Emil
I have found a wee Perl script that extracts the EEPROM from Yaesu FT-8x7 transceivers via the CAT interface and outputs it as an ASCII hexdump to the console. This can be found here:
No need to put it in clone mode either. :-)
Yes, we know that there are undocumented cat commands to peek and poke directly in memory but we considered safer to use the clone protocol. BTW on that site they confirm my suspect that 857 and 897 share the same memory map, that's why we are confident that you could clone your 897 using chirp 857 driver. Please give a try to "clone tx" from the radio. Naturally _you must not try_ to "clone rx" before being able to complete correctly the tx or you can erase all your setting including memories.
I used this today to extract the EEPROMs from my FT-817ND and FT-897D and have attached them here as a zip file. I figured you may find this useful for comparison as I have programmed both radios with the same local repeaters in memory, in the same order etc.
Hope this helps.
Yes it help! Thank I'll go through the image later
73 de IZ3GME Marco

Hi all,
On 08/02/2012, at 9:56 PM, IZ3GME Marco wrote:
Yes, we know that there are undocumented cat commands to peek and poke directly in memory but we considered safer to use the clone protocol.
Indeed, and the bonus is that the settings are backed up also. :-)
In my enthusiasm, I have decided to quickly try the latest daily build to test whether the FT-857 option works with my FT-897D. Things are looking damn good.
Using the "ft857" option (not "ft857-us") I cloned from the radio to Chirp. There were no errors and everything looked okay within the application - i.e. the frequencies, tags, offsets, mode, etc). I saved the image and it can be found in the attached zip file as "ft897d.img".
I turned the radio off and on again just to make sure none of the memories disappeared. All looked good. To be on the safe side, I quit Chirp and restarted it. I cloned the saved image back to the radio and there were no errors. I turned the radio off and on again and nothing seemed to have changed from before. For the sake of comparison, I cloned from the radio to Chirp again and saved this image in the attached zip file as "ft897d-reread.img".
I ran both files through diff and it reported that the two files differ although, having a look in a hex editor, I couldn't see where. Maybe I should figure out diff's advanced features or I'm using the wrong tool.
Once I get out of bed in the morning, as it's almost 1:30am here, I'll see if there's any difference if I choose "ft857-us" instead from the drop-down list. Please don't hesitate to let me know if there is anything else you'd like me to try.
Have fun! Emil - VK3NAF

Hi Emil!
Yes, we know that there are undocumented cat commands to peek and poke directly in memory but we considered safer to use the clone protocol.
Indeed, and the bonus is that the settings are backed up also. :-)
Well ... using the peek/poke cat command you can access/save/change also the calibration parameter, they are not transferred during clone. Once again, the clone protocol is limited but safer ... but yes in the image you have all your settings backed up :)
In my enthusiasm, I have decided to quickly try the latest daily build to test whether the FT-857 option works with my FT-897D. Things are looking damn good.
That was my hope :)
Using the "ft857" option (not "ft857-us") I cloned from the radio to Chirp. There were no errors and everything looked okay within the application - i.e. the frequencies, tags, offsets, mode, etc). I saved the image and it can be found in the attached zip file as "ft897d.img".
Perfect, thank.
I turned the radio off and on again just to make sure none of the memories disappeared. All looked good. To be on the safe side, I quit Chirp and restarted it. I cloned the saved image back to the radio and there were no errors. I turned the radio off and on again and nothing seemed to have changed from before. For the sake of comparison, I cloned from the radio to Chirp again and saved this image in the attached zip file as "ft897d-reread.img".
I ran both files through diff and it reported that the two files differ although, having a look in a hex editor, I couldn't see where. Maybe I should figure out diff's advanced features or I'm using the wrong tool.
I suggest you to dump the images files with hd and then compare with diff, BTW I love diff -y format, give it a try ... well I suppose you are running linux ...
hd ft897d.img > ft897d.img.dump hd ft897d-reread.img > ft897d-reread.img.dump diff -y ft897d.img.dump ft897d-reread.img.dump | less
Once I get out of bed in the morning, as it's almost 1:30am here, I'll see if there's any difference if I choose "ft857-us" instead from the drop-down list. Please don't hesitate to let me know if there is anything else you'd like me to try.
with the -us version of the driver you should get a clone error in chirp at the end of the "clone tx" process as the -us version send one more packet then the international versions. That supplementar packet is used for the special 60m memories. In any case you can safely try _clone tx from radio_ and see if i'm right ;)
If you have the optional CW filter installed could you please try to create a memory with CW and narrow and see if you see it correctly as "NCW" in chirp?
In general there nothing special to test, simply use it with your 897 and let us know if you find any malfunction.
many thanks for your time
73 de IZ3GME Marco

Hello again,
On 09/02/2012, at 3:25 AM, IZ3GME Marco wrote:
I suggest you to dump the images files with hd and then compare with diff, BTW I love diff -y format, give it a try ... well I suppose you are running linux ...
hd ft897d.img > ft897d.img.dump hd ft897d-reread.img > ft897d-reread.img.dump diff -y ft897d.img.dump ft897d-reread.img.dump | less
Okay, cool. To be pedantic I took the original image I cloned from the radio and re-cloned it back. Then, without touching a single knob so as not to disturb anything, I re-cloned the radio back to Chirp and saved the image. I created hexdumps of the two images and ran them through diff, as you described. A zip file is attached of the output. The left side is the original image cloned to the radio, the right side is the image cloned back to Chirp.
It appears that the only thing that is different between the two is four bytes at addresses 0x1c85, 0x1c86, 0x1c90, and 0x1c91. These fall within the "unknown" section of the memory map, so it's a bit of a mystery what they're for.
with the -us version of the driver you should get a clone error in chirp at the end of the "clone tx" process as the -us version send one more packet then the international versions. That supplementar packet is used for the special 60m memories. In any case you can safely try _clone tx from radio_ and see if i'm right ;)
I tried cloning from the radio to Chirp with the US version selected to see what happens. The radio finishes sending while Chirp waits for those last few bytes for ages until you click "Cancel". No error message comes up on Chirp, but there is no harm done.
If you have the optional CW filter installed could you please try to create a memory with CW and narrow and see if you see it correctly as "NCW" in chirp?
Sorry, I don't have any optional filters installed. :-(
In general there nothing special to test, simply use it with your 897 and let us know if you find any malfunction.
So far, everything seems to be working fine. Excellent work! If you were local, I'd buy you a beer. :-)
Have fun! Emil - VK3NAF

To reinforce what Marco said, I recently found a program called "Softjump" that could enable wider-band TX on the FT-857 purely with CAT commands! I tried and tried and it wouldn't work both with his code and my own code derived from his CAT commands. I was going to contact the author but when I looked at his QRZ page, he stated there that Yaesu evidently removed those specific undocumented CAT commands back in the 2004 timeframe. :-( So, though I *do* think it would be worth adding this interactive method to read/write the Yaesu radios like we can with Kenwood, we should probably get the Clone approach down solid first.
Btw, lots of good FT-8x7 information here:
IZ3GME Marco wrote:
Hi Emil
I have found a wee Perl script that extracts the EEPROM from Yaesu FT-8x7 transceivers via the CAT interface and outputs it as an ASCII hexdump to the console. This can be found here:
No need to put it in clone mode either. :-)
Yes, we know that there are undocumented cat commands to peek and poke directly in memory but we considered safer to use the clone protocol. BTW on that site they confirm my suspect that 857 and 897 share the same memory map, that's why we are confident that you could clone your 897 using chirp 857 driver. Please give a try to "clone tx" from the radio. Naturally _you must not try_ to "clone rx" before being able to complete correctly the tx or you can erase all your setting including memories.

To reinforce what Marco said, I recently found a program called "Softjump" that could enable wider-band TX on the FT-857 purely with CAT commands! I tried and tried and it wouldn't work both with his code and my own code derived from his CAT commands. I was going to contact the author but when I looked at his QRZ page, he stated there that Yaesu evidently removed those specific undocumented CAT commands back in the 2004 timeframe. :-( So, though I *do* think it would be worth adding this interactive method to read/write the Yaesu radios like we can with Kenwood, we should probably get the Clone approach down solid first.
Btw, lots of good FT-8x7 information here:
From the information I have, undocumented peek and poke cat commands still works but yeasu blocked the possibility to write on the configuration byte (at address 4 and 5) on newer radio to avoid "softjump" tampering.
If you are a brave you can try to write on the label of one of the memories to see if the poke command still work, I suggest you don't write on current memory channel as seems yeasu radio don't like this. You can calculate the address using info on (in the hope they are right).
BTW I widebanded my 857 with softjump lots of years ago.
73 de IZ3GME Marco
participants (5)
Dan Smith
David Ranch
IZ3GME Marco
Marco Filippi IZ3GME