To reinforce what Marco said, I recently found a program called "Softjump" that could enable wider-band TX on the FT-857 purely with CAT commands! I tried and tried and it wouldn't work both with his code and my own code derived from his CAT commands. I was going to contact the author but when I looked at his QRZ page, he stated there that Yaesu evidently removed those specific undocumented CAT commands back in the 2004 timeframe. :-( So, though I *do* think it would be worth adding this interactive method to read/write the Yaesu radios like we can with Kenwood, we should probably get the Clone approach down solid first.
Btw, lots of good FT-8x7 information here: http://www.kb2ljj.com/data/yaesu/ft-857.htm
IZ3GME Marco wrote:
Hi Emil
I have found a wee Perl script that extracts the EEPROM from Yaesu FT-8x7 transceivers via the CAT interface and outputs it as an ASCII hexdump to the console. This can be found here:
No need to put it in clone mode either. :-)
Yes, we know that there are undocumented cat commands to peek and poke directly in memory but we considered safer to use the clone protocol. BTW on that site they confirm my suspect that 857 and 897 share the same memory map, that's why we are confident that you could clone your 897 using chirp 857 driver. Please give a try to "clone tx" from the radio. Naturally _you must not try_ to "clone rx" before being able to complete correctly the tx or you can erase all your setting including memories.