Re: [chirp_users] Baofeng UV-5RTP BTECH UV-5X3 - both +- in display for offset
Jim, Thanks for the clear notes. I am save such notes for each radio in a PIM, so that I always have them with me.
I explored some Miklor web pages as I read your emails. Comment: I saved the link to Review BTECH 5X3 - Miklor but then renamed it to Miklor BTECH 5X3 Review because I am more likely to look for it in that order...Miklor...BTECH 5X3...Review I suggest (without knowing how or why pages are named in html) that the pages be renamed.
Now to the matter at hand.
CHIRP daily-20180204 Looking here, in "MEMory - CHannel Programming" and trying to coord that with your comment about 9 settings... "The settings of the following menus are also saved into the target channel. This essentially creates a fully operational simplex channel."
Did not see 23 BCL in CHIRP channel or in settings (5X3). Seems to me that I'd want this to be global? 17 PTT-ID DTMF S-CODE - band-specific in CHIRP? the web page suggests channel-specific (sensible). 19 When to Send PTT-ID - I guess that I could see this as either band- or channel-specific. Looks global in CHIRP.
Did see 33 skip in CHIRP channel, which makes sense to me, but not on web page in "MEMory - CHannel Programming".
I guess that Tone Mode is inferred from CHIRP Tone & Tone Sql? How is Cross-mode implemented? I don't see a setting for it.
So far, I see, per channel 2 Power 5 Wide | Narrow 10-13 CTCSS, DCS 33 SKIP
I intend to become fully conversant with the 5RTP and 5X3, so welcome your comments.
ATB 73 de ~Rich~ NE1EE ARES AEC Short email? No html? Here's why:
On 2018-02-11 16:54:-0500, Jim Unroe wrote:
On Sun, Feb 11, 2018 at 4:35 PM, Rich Messeder wrote:
Update. Here I found Display shows + and - at the same time In Channel Mode this is normal when the TX/RX frequencies differ. In Frequency Mode + or - is displayed based on Menu 25 (Shift)
So all is OK. But when I switched to VFO from channel mode, I thought that I'd find a way to see what the channel is programmed with (Kenwood has a feature to copy memory to VFO.)
To see how a memory channel is programmed you just visit each menu that is stored on a per-channel basis and the current setting will be displayed. There are 9 of them. These guides explain where and when each menu is functional.
Since we have established that menu 25 and menu 26 are not stored on a per channel basis, what you have to do is see what the TX frequency is. To do that set the Memory Display Format for the selected display line (MDF-A or MDF-B) to FREQ. You will be looking at the RX frequency. Then you can tap the [*] key to put the radio into "reverse" mode thus displaying the TX frequency. Tap the [*] key once again to exit "reverse" mode.
Cross mode ust means using different PL tones or DCS codes on transmit and receive. There is no radio menu setting for it.
Tom ND5Y
I guess that Tone Mode is inferred from CHIRP Tone & Tone Sql? How is Cross-mode implemented? I don't see a setting for it.
Here is a cross reference of UV-5R/UV-82 radio menu setting vs. Chirp settings.
Tom ND5Y
Did not see 23 BCL in CHIRP channel or in settings (5X3). Seems to me that I'd want this to be global? 17 PTT-ID DTMF S-CODE - band-specific in CHIRP? the web page suggests channel-specific (sensible). 19 When to Send PTT-ID - I guess that I could see this as either band- or channel-specific. Looks global in CHIRP.
The spreadsheet style memory editor is designed to cover the per-channel settings that are common between most radios. BCL, PTT-ID and When to Send PTT-ID are not common to most radios. Settings of this type are considered "extra" settings and, if supported by CHIRP, are accessed from the "Memory Properties" editor. CHIRP does support these setting in the radios you have. Here is how you access them.
1a click on a memory row to highlight it. 1b (optional) Ctrl-click and/or Shift-click to highlight additional memory rows as needed. 2 click the [Properties] button at the top of the spreadsheet style memory editor. An alternate method would be to right click the memory row and choose "Properties" in the menu that appears. 3 click the "Other" tab of the Memory Properties editor.
Note: If you highlight multiple memory rows
participants (3)
Jim Unroe
Rich Messeder
Tom Consodine ND5Y