Can CHIRP files be preloaded before connecting to radio?

I'm new to using CHIRP. I have an ICOM 2730A which has the base unit mounted in the trunk of my car. Can I setup all of my repeater info into the various memories before I connect the programming cable from the computer to the radio?
Hope that makes sense, Lou

On 28/02/2025 14:21 EST loumickie--- via Users wrote:
I'm new to using CHIRP. I have an ICOM 2730A which has the base unit mounted in the trunk of my car. Can I setup all of my repeater info into the various memories before I connect the programming cable from the computer to the radio?
Hope that makes sense, Lou _______________________________________________ Users mailing list To unsubscribe, send an email to To report this email as off-topic, please email List archives:

On Fri, Feb 28, 2025 at 2:43 PM loumickie--- via Users wrote:
I'm new to using CHIRP. I have an ICOM 2730A which has the base unit mounted in the trunk of my car. Can I setup all of my repeater info into the various memories before I connect the programming cable from the computer to the radio?
Hope that makes sense, Lou
I would recommend that you hook up to your radio to download the initial file from the radio so that you can...
1. Save it as a native CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) file to be kept as a backup 2. Edit the actual file downloaded from your radio.
You cannot directly upload a file that is created by "File -> New" into any radio. At some point you will have to download a file from your radio or find one that you trust from some other source to be able to copy-and-paste the memories from your "File -> New" file into.
So if you absolutely don't want to make a trip to your trunk first, I would grab the "Icom_IC-2730A.img" image from the CHIRP repository and use it to build your channels. Then when you do finally get a change to take a laptop out to your trunk, I would...
1. download from your radio to create a compatible tab from your radio 2. save an unedited copy of this newly created tab as you backup 3. import the image that you created from the "repository" image into this tab to being in your "channels" 4. edit any global settings that you need changed 5. upload this tab back into your radio
If all went well up to this point then you should...
6. save this tab to be used as your "working" copy for any future editing
participants (3)
Jim Unroe
Nigel A. Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF