[chirp_users] Need a little help

Started using CHRIPS and like it.
My question what does
rToneFreq and cToneFreq mean/stand for
I know one is for the transmit tone and the other is for the receive tone, (T/Tsql)
Which is which????
r means????
c means????
Thank You
Tony Stephen

Here is a link to the chirp wiki. This should answer your question on tones.
Todd Bloomingdale-KC9LOX
Tomah, WI
On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 2:30 PM, Tony Stephen ke6jzf@verizon.net wrote:
Started using CHRIPS and like it.
My question what does
rToneFreq and cToneFreq mean/stand for
I know one is for the transmit tone and the other is for the receive tone, (T/Tsql)
Which is which????
r means????
c means????
Thank You
Tony Stephen
chirp_users mailing list chirp_users@intrepid.danplanet.com http://intrepid.danplanet.com/mailman/listinfo/chirp_users This message was sent to tbloomingdale@gmail.com at tbloomingdale@gmail.com To unsubscribe, send an email to chirp_users-unsubscribe@intrepid.danplanet.com

On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 12:30 PM, Tony Stephen ke6jzf@verizon.net wrote:
Started using CHRIPS and like it.
My question what does
rToneFreq and cToneFreq mean/stand for
I know one is for the transmit tone and the other is for the receive tone, (T/Tsql)
Which is which????
r means????
c means????
The columns in Chirp are labeled Tone and ToneSQL. Tone is the value used for tone encode when your radio is in CTCSS encode-only mode, and ToneSQL is the tone value used by your radio when in CTCSS encode+decode mode. http://chirp.danplanet.com/projects/chirp/wiki/MemoryEditorColumns
rToneFreq and cToneFreq are internal names used within file formats used by Chirp. If you're writing software to manipulate these files, you can find a reference for them here: http://chirp.danplanet.com/projects/chirp/wiki/DevelopersToneModes
Feel free to also reference the source code directly: http://chirp.danplanet.com/projects/chirp/repository/entry/chirp/drivers/gen...

Hi Tony,
Started using CHRIPS and like it.
It is CHIRP ;-)
My question what does
rToneFreq and cToneFreq mean/stand for
Tom did a good job of explaining this.
Which is which????
What I do when I want to know which is which or to find the correct format I need the data to be in, I program a channel with the appropriate data and export it to a CSV file. Then I just examine the CSV file to see what I am looking for.
So just program a channel with Tone Mode set to Tone and the Tone column set to anything except the default 88.5 Hz tone value and export it to a CSV file. Look at the CSV and you should easily see which column is for the TX CTCSS tone. Then I believe the other column will then be used when Tone Mode = TSQL (RX CTCSS tone = TX CTCSS tone) and Tone Mode = Cross and Cross Mode = ->Tone (RX CTCSS tone only).
participants (4)
Jim Unroe
Todd Bloomingdale
Tom Hayward
Tony Stephen