Re: [chirp_users] chirp_users Digest, Vol 49, Issue 11

No problem here on IC-880H. Am using both speaker port and data port, AOK.
73, Drew K3PA
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Sent: January 07, 2013 19:35 To: Subject: chirp_users Digest, Vol 49, Issue 11
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Today's Topics:
1. Re: help with ID-889H (Mike Heitmann) 2. CHIRP Hangs (Braco Bob) 3. Re: problems syncing baofeng uv-5r (Jim Unroe) 4. Re: CHIRP Hangs (Dan Smith) 5. Re: help with ID-880H (Danny Pease) 6. Re: help with my ID-880H (Danny Pease)
Message: 1 Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2013 12:15:30 -0800 (PST) From: Mike Heitmann Subject: Re: [chirp_users] help with ID-889H To: Discussion of CHIRP Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
I recently aquired an 880H and have had no trouble programming it or sending slow speed data with it?via the data port, as long as it's not in GPS mode.
I've never tried it through the speaker jack.
Mike, N0SO
----- Original Message ---- From: Danny Pease To: Sent: Mon, January 7, 2013 1:32:13 PM Subject: [chirp_users] help with ID-889H
I have not been able to get Chirp to recognize my ID-880H using the data port. Has anyone else got this to work or are all using the speaker jack and a level converter? I am using one of the latest daily builds and Win7.
I am using a homebrew RS-232 cable that works fine with the Icon ID-880H software.
Danny NG9R
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Message: 2 Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2013 14:16:27 -0800 (PST) From: Braco Bob Subject: [chirp_users] CHIRP Hangs To: Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
I am having the same problem as he is ...On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 11:04 AM, Michael Foreman wrote:
I have the usb drivers isntalled there doesn't appear to be any problems with that when i look in the device manager.? I installed the chirp software selected the appropriate com port and then tried to read from radio it just hung and after 15 minutes I clicked cancel and my computer blue screened then rebooted.? any suggestions?
Additional detail -- ?Win XP. ? UV-5R. Firmware 293. ? Using the same USB drivers as Michael. Dev Mgr shows no problem. ?I tried 2 different recent CHIRP dailies with the same results. ?CHIRP installed fine. Set com port correctly to COM4. Tried to read the radio and CHIRP hangs with no progress. ?After 10 minutes or more, try to exit CHIRP and XP re-boots with no error messages, just black screen and re-boot. ? Two different CHIRP loads and two different UV-5R radios. ?Same results.?Then --- d'loaded and installed Baofeng VIP software package for versions 291 and up. ?No problems. Works fine. ?Reads/writes to the radio every time. ? So, I would be interested in hearing if there's a solution to this issue ? ?Any other drivers for the USB cable to try ? I would much rather use CHIRP. ? Otherwise --- Michael F --- try the Baofeng VIP software. ?Just be sure to get the version appropriate for your radio firmware load. Thanks, Bob???
participants (1)
Drew Vonada-Smith