[chirp_users] [CHIRP] #34: CSV file format

#34: CSV file format -----------------------------+---------------------------------------------- Reporter: n6jsx@… | Type: Bug Status: new | Priority: Functionality Milestone: 0.1.9 | Component: ID-800 Version: 0.1.9 | Keywords: Platform: Windows | -----------------------------+---------------------------------------------- I DL from ID-800 and saved to csv.... Edited/added to csv .... Tried to import the csv, get field errors. Edited in (none) to Tone and Offset columns - no good. I noticed the screen columns are different then csv columns. I re columnized the csv to screen columns - now "csv format mismatch".
What are the columns and what data must be in each field to accept? How are blank memory channels handled? What must be present or not?
Need improved HELP file.....

#34: CSV file format -----------------------------+---------------------------------------------- Reporter: n6jsx@… | Type: Bug Status: new | Priority: Functionality Milestone: 0.1.9 | Component: ID-800 Version: 0.1.9 | Keywords: Platform: Windows | -----------------------------+----------------------------------------------
Comment(by n6jsx@…):
OK, by much trial&error I figured out the csv data fields..... and put back the columns even though they do not match the screen columns. Suggest a sample file for all to parrot be put into your program download....
I cannot upload the CHIRP memories to ID800H. I can read the ID800. I go to Upload and select the comm2 each time, I cannot select the radio type nor file....
Nothing happens. I put the ID800 in CLONE mode and normal mode - nothing, like the program doesn't even try.... No Clone bar comes up or (0)IDLE changing to COUNT.... I did try a known wrong comm port and CHIRP tells me that is a no-no so it's recognize a radio's attached.

#34: CSV file format -----------------------------+---------------------------------------------- Reporter: n6jsx@… | Type: Bug Status: new | Priority: Functionality Milestone: 0.1.9 | Component: ID-800 Version: 0.1.9 | Keywords: Platform: Windows | -----------------------------+----------------------------------------------
Comment(by kk7ds):
You cannot program the radio directly from a CSV file. Clone your 800 to a .img file, then use the import function in the Radio menu to merge your CSV changes into the image. From that you can then "upload to radio" with the changes.
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