Re: [chirp_users] Unable to read from QYT KT-8900
Pavel, I tried the file you posted to the KT8900 group and received the same error. I am going to see if I can find a 32bit system around here to run portmon on and do a data capture. May be a day or two.
I have also tried it both in frequency mode and in channel mode, as the Sainsonic gt-890, Btech uv-2501, and as the Waccom Mini-8900, as well as the QYT KT8900 with the exact same results.
Attached is the debug.log from chirp
Frank Ketterman
Molon Labe!
Attached is the debug.log from chirp
From the debug.log file, the problem is that your radio has a
different "fingerprint" than what CHIRP is looking for. If you would load the "" file into a text editor and scroll down to line 301, then temporarily change "M2G1F4" to "M2G2F4" and give it a try. Then report back your success or failure.
And if it fails on the first attempt, try a few more times. I find that on my UV-2501+220 (which has 2 idents like the GT890), it usually takes me 2 or 3 attempts to get the download to be successful.
This is a new & unknown variant.
I need the serial logs for the download and the upload to include it on Chirp.
Thanks and 73
El 10/05/16 a las 19:47, F.Ketterman escribió:
Pavel, I tried the file you posted to the KT8900 group and received the same error. I am going to see if I can find a 32bit system around here to run portmon on and do a data capture. May be a day or two.
Attached is the debug.log from chirp
participants (3)
Jim Unroe
Pavel Milanes (CO7WT)