[chirp_users] kenwood tm d700

Does Chirp 4.0 work with Win8.1 to program the pl tones on a Kenwood TM D700? I am working with a friend and when we put in a new pl tone frequency using the Chirp program a window pop up that says something like invalid data. It down loads the data ok from the radio.
Any comments appreciated,
73 de rolan w3fdk

On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 1:14 PM, ROLAN.CLARK@comcast.net wrote:
Does Chirp 4.0 work with Win8.1 to program the pl tones on a Kenwood TM D700? I am working with a friend and when we put in a new pl tone frequency using the Chirp program a window pop up that says something like invalid data. It down loads the data ok from the radio.
Sounds like a bug. Can you create a bug report and attach your debug.log?
By the way, I maintain that driver with my D710, so I can't test the tweaks for D700 myself.
participants (2)
Tom Hayward