I just keep my gmail account, it follows me wherever I go and I do not have to
worry about paying to keep it going. Now you will just have to see how to change
your email for receiving chirp or perhaps you just subscribe from the new addy.

On Sun, Apr 8, 2018 at 9:58 PM, Trevor Holyoak <trevor@holyoak.com> wrote:
You might consider joining the ARRL (if you're not already a member) and
then using kc9ktv@arrl.net. You can then have that send your e-mail
wherever you want, and it's easier to change later.


- Trevor, AG7GX

On 4/8/2018 8:53 PM, James wrote:
> Hello, how do I change where the email is sent? I am changing ISP's and
> need to change my email address to kc9ktv@gmail.com

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Chirp + Editcp + MD380Tools on Linux
Chuck -- KP4DJT