Hi all,
I just posted CHIRP 0.1.11b4 with a bunch of changes. This posting includes contributions from Vernon Mauery, Richard Farina, as well as myself. If support for the VX-3R or TH-D72 interests you, be sure to thank these guys :)
Changes are: - Fix IC9x detection and baud rate selection - Fix IC9x crashing the whole application - Fix VX-6 not reporting valid tone modes - Fix VX-7 tone field (Richard) - Changes to the status bar text (Richard) - Improved checksum calculation and validation on Yaesu radios - Default VX-7 memory power levels to high (Richard) - Silence the "this will take a long time" warning on file-based radios - Add Kenwood TH-F6A support - Add Kenwood TH-D72 support (Vernon) - Add ICOM IC-2100H support - Add Yaesu VX-3R support (Richard)
Like always, I'll be looking for testing and validation of the new drivers listed above, as well, as reports from our model-assigned testers.
As a reminder, get the latest beta here: