On Sun, Dec 8, 2013 at 3:43 AM, ddubois <woody2@questiongravity.com> wrote:

Here's what I'm stuck on. I took an image off the Baofeng to use as a
template. I'm trying to enter the RX freq of 156.2025 into the first
memory channel. When I do so, I get the error "Tuning step 2.50 not
supported...Frequency requires 2.50kHz step." I need to configure the
channel to receive on 159.000, figured I'd set Duplex to Split and set
Offset to 159.000. I'll spare you all the work-arounds I've tried, and
the other errors I've seen, 'cause I'm starting to wonder if my radio
won't support this "step", and I'm left to wonder what the heck "Tune
step" and "channelize" are anyway? I've looked in the wiki, and done
some web searching, but so far no joy. Any light would be much appreciated!

Thanks much,
Doug, Kansas

You are going about this in exactly the right way. Just use the older CHIRP daily that I pointed out earlier to get the job done. I have submitted a patch that will restore programming the UV-B5/B6 with CHIRP to a 2.5 KHz resolution and still fix the issue the previous patch was intended to address.