On Sun, Apr 2, 2017 at 6:57 PM, Jim McIver jmciver@lmtribune.com wrote:
Ok. So that means all my channels need to be TSQL if I am to be able to transmit and receive, if that's the only one where you can TX and RX. Unhiding the fields allowed me to see it was putting info in Tone and ToneSql even though hidden the Tone showed blank.
thx, -jm
Not exactly. TSQL is used to TX with a particular CTCSS tone and to RX with the same CTCSS tone. You never need to have a tone to RX so you can receive just fine using setting Tone Mode to Tone and setting the Tone column to the desired CTCSS tone. If you program a RX tone and the other station does not transmit the matching (on none at all as in the case for many ham repeaters), you will never hear anything. None always works.