On Fri, Nov 18, 2016 at 4:15 PM, Garth Robinson soundtek@vodafone.co.nz wrote:
Hi, s'cuse me butting in but.......
will these work under windoze 10 ?
I noticed that the webpage only mentioned xp, vista, 2000, win7 etc. in other words do you still have to use the backdated driver?
Garth, zl1 tue
When using a Prolific type chip based programming cable with Windows, you might as well count on using the backdated driver because the majority of these chips are counterfeit. The device driver auto installed by Windows has been incompatible with counterfeit chips since around 2008. The backdated driver will work no matter if the chip is genuine or not.
V2.0.2.1: Windows XP V3.2.0.0: Windows Vista, 2000, 7, 8.x and 10
Both drivers can be obtained from links on the miklor.com website.