It isn't a problem with the programming cable. It was a bug in yesterday's daily build. Today's daily build addresses that prob
On Sat, Sep 24, 2016 at 6:18 AM, awake wrote:
Yeah, this seems to be quite a common occurrence with Chinese radios using the kenwood-type connector. It caused me trouble so many times :) Simply make sure that both parts are deep enough, often you'll have to cut off a bit of plastic from the radio casing.
73 rad0
From: "Brent Wells" To: "Discussion of CHIRP" Sent: Saturday, 24 September, 2016 02:42:25 Subject: Re: [chirp_users] Press the cord into the Radio REALLY HARD !!!! Re: Baofeng GT-5TP
Dave, I have a cable that does the same thing when plugging into my 5R and F8HP, so I took my knife and slightly shave just to the inside of the 'angle' so that it snapped into the radio better because I worried I would bend or snap the pins if I pushed too hard each time. Just a tip!
Brent (N4BDW) Sent from my iPhone
On Sep 23, 2016, at 8:20 PM, Dave Felt wrote:
Only thing I've learned is to Press the programming Cable into the radio REALLY HARD !!!!!
73's,, Dave KB6ORR
It isn't a problem with the programming cable. It was a bug in yesterday's daily build. Today's daily build addresses that bug so Dave's GT-5TP (or any other model affected by the bug) should program fine after today's daily build is installed.