The two image files are not compatible.
CHIRP supports over 80 makes and models of radio.
You must first create an initial template for your specific model.
This gives CHIRP a starting image of your radio and firmware.
This is done by selecting the Radio tab in the CHIRP toolbar and perform a Download_from_Radio.
This loads your radio's initial parameters.
You can now either Cut/Paste or Import the frequencies into your new template for the UV8D.
Got problems when try to program one off my Baofeng UV-5R.
See the screens dumps below.
Using the daily file from 20150416.
Using Baofeng software the radio works.
The other UV-5R works fine both with Chirp and Baofeng software
When programing Wouxun KG-UVD8 it seems like some parameters donĀ“t transfers to the radio.
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