Baofeng's squelch settings are unbelievably high.  In Chirp set the #1 squelch level to "1".  There are articles on the Web suggesting the subsequent settings.  Chris Knowles, N1CAK

On 6/8/2019 9:20 AM, Don Morgan wrote:
I have 2 of these radios and can't seem to get a good rec signal on them. I get the  local sheriff dispatch but do not get the patrol car return. When the bad weather was coming in I tuned to 162.55 which is the weather service for my area. I got a very noisy signal and got in car and drove around to see if it changed. It did come in better in several places but no way acceptable in an emergency. Is their a better antenna available for these? Any other suggestions would be appreciated.   DON

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Staff Sergeant, United States Air Force, 1970 - 1974

Call Sign:  N1CAK - Amateur Extra Class
	    Accredited Volunteer Examiner (VE)