Thanks Jim for the successful workaround. I also had go back in and set MR A, B channels manually, then upload to HT again. Oddly, VFO A, B were retained, but not MR.
But again, this only affects the latest batch of GT3-TP units I just bought. The previous 30 or so I've programmed with CHIRP are unaffected by this anomaly.
Thanks also for the PTT-IS tip. I didn't know that.
I didn't mean to start a thread here on the exploding ICOM HTs. I reckon that's been discussed plenty in RadioReference etc.
Reno K7CRL
On Mon, Oct 14, 2024 at 3:28 PM Ken Hansen via Users wrote:
Meant to add this, the IC-V82 also has a pager function (pocket beep), see page 36 for more info:
That would seem the perfect remote detonation method...
On Oct 14, 2024, at 15:20, Ken Hansen wrote:
The exploding Icoms were a long-discontinued FM (analog) HT that had several unique features, like, you could add a d-Star board to or a DTMF decoder to it:
Analog radios don't identify themselves with each transmission, the more likely cause of the explosion was a signal sent to all radios that activated the DTMF decoder in each radio.
I've not dug too deep into this story, but an in-band signal, broadcast across the region thru linked repeaters, seems the most likely method.
On Oct 14, 2024, at 14:59, Ceferino Lamb via Users wrote:
I am programming some ICOM HTs for a friend and leaned that they transmit their unique ID with every trx. This "feature" may have been fatal to certain Lebanese recently.
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