It transmits, on the receive frequency The KGUVD1P does "bleep" and does not transmit. Dick, K3VYY From: Jim Unroe To: Richard Hanna; Discussion of CHIRP Sent: Sunday, November 8, 2015 8:26 AM Subject: Re: [chirp_users] UV5R Split "Off" function
On Sun, Nov 8, 2015 at 7:55 AM, Richard Hanna via chirp_users wrote:
Has anyone else noticed that the "off" function under "Split" does not work? Tried it on my Windows and my Ubuntu operating systems.
It does work on my KGUV1DP
I wonder if it has to do with a firmware change by the manufacturer.
Dick, K3VYY
It works for me. Just as intended, when I press the PTT button one of the many channels that I have programmed with Duplex set to "off", the radio makes the TX inhibited "bleep" sound and the radio does not transmit. What does yours do?