On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 11:44 AM, radian radiandd@gmail.com wrote:
Ok, so I'm a newbie Tech and am trying to figure out how to program, either manually, or with CHIRP my BF-F9 radio... so far with no good results, even with searching the internet, youtube, and trying to get the right driver to work and the CHIRP software won't recognize my radio at all.... help?
-- radian
Make sure you have a compatible driver if you run Windows and the programming cable has a Prolific type chip. You most likely have to downgrade your driver. Having the latest, automatically installed, driver usually won't work. This is a common problem.
Make sure the programming cable is fully plugged into the radio. Not being plugged in fully is a common problem.
Don't use the stable build for this type of Baofeng/Pofung radio. Use the latest daily build.
Once to get to this point and everything is working, here are some CHIRP guides and examples for the UV-5R and variant radios.