Hi Bill,
On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 10:35 AM Bill Stewman bill.stewman@gmail.com wrote:
How can I use Chirp to re-use One Master File for multiple Radio Brands & Models?
Our Church in Northeast Texas has over 400 licensed hams with various brands & models of Ham Radios. Is there some way for me to build One Master file of Repeaters that everyone can use to put all of us on the same ones?
Thanks Bill Stewman - W5RQR The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Carrollton Storehouse Volunteer and Ham Radio Station Operator
I use the saved CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) from from my Baofeng UV-82 as the "master" image to program the memories all of my CHIRP programmable radios no mater what the Vendor or Model is. All I do is download from the target radio (or load a previously saved image from it) to open a tab that is compatible with the radio. Then I import the UV-5R image into that tab. No spreadsheet program or CVS file is necessary. A "how to" is available here: https://baofengtech.com/CHIRPImport