Hi guys, Chris G4OUG here. I believe I am a CHIRP member but the CHIRP site won't accept my log-in details. I have emailed someone at CHIRP but havn't had a reply yet. And now to business...
Can anybody please explain why the Puxing PX-888 is not supported by CHIRP?
On a broader note, I am absolutely fed up of seeing so many people complaining that they need different cables for each of their radios, that the software supplied is next to useless, and in a few cases that CHIRP cannot be used with this or that radio. It is about time that ALL the manufacturers used standard USB interfaces, both hardware (connectors) and software (drivers and protocols). The memory inside the radio should be organised in such a way that a simple spreadsheet such as Excel can be used, the supplied software need only be an example table with a few example records (rows) filled in. Nobody would need any of these stupid serial cables that only work with one radio, and everybody would be able to use tables containing their own programming needs via several versions of Windows, Apple OS's, Linux distros, or whatever, for years to come without any problems.
Ok, CHIRP would be redundant. That would be very sad in a lot of ways. But the current state of affairs is intolerable. How about everybody gets together and tells the major manufacturers that we will NOT buy any more of their radios until they implement the programming of them PROPERLY! If I knew how to start such a campaign I'd do it myself, but I am not au fait with Social Media or any of that stuff.
Regards, Chris, G4OUG