I just updated my Yaesu FT1D to Main 3.01 and DSP 4.15 (both from 09/08/2017). I'm running a 2017 iMac (High Sierra 10.13.3). The firmware & DSP updates went fine on my Windows laptop. Now, I have normally used my iMac (previous was a early 2009 iMac running various OS X versions) and the daily builds of Chirp to program my FT1D (I use the SCU-19 cable that came with my radio). Never had an issue.
After doing the two updates and running the latest version of Chirp (currently 20180210) I get the following error when I try to upload my memories back to the radio: "*failed to communications with the radio: radio did not ack block 1*". I have no problem downloading from the radio (although it's a blank list since I reset the radio).
I've installed the newest FTDI drivers and and the Python files and still nothing (again, I use the SCU-19 cable that came with my radio - not sure what drivers I really need). Even tried each USB port on my iMac.
I'll attach the debug log if that's any help. I'm not a programmer, but I can look through logs and code (do that at work), but I don't see anything that says "HEY! THIS IS THE ISSUE RIGHT HERE!". Maybe someone here will know what to look for?
The last time I edited my programming file was in December. I do not remember if I had used Chirp since moving to High Sierra, but I was keeping mostly up-to-date with the daily releases for the Mac.
I did go back in through the archives and see someone had issues with 10.13.1, but when he updated to 10.31.2 it was fixed. Well, I'm on 10.13.3. Hrmmm...
Did anyone else have this or similar issue?
Thanks & 73,
Jeff K3JRZ https://www.qrz.com/db/K3JRZ 100WAAW http://100wattsandawire.com/thegathering/ #404