What is there to transpose?
TSQL to TONE SQL or T-sql are only column headers. They all mean the same thing and, as groups of letters, do not get  uploaded to the radio. They only exist within Chirp.
Chirp only uploads the number in the box.

On 11 December 2019 at 10:13 Dennis Wage <dwage@dwage.com> wrote:

Actually Nigel, my question was about the contents of the fields. Are they the same for every radio? Does Chirp transpose TSQL to TONE SQL or T-sql (examples only) when it uploads the data back to the radio.

Generally I am trying to find out if most cut and paste data in chirp (or CSV files) of different radios will need any tweaking.

Dennis M. Wage (W9BOQ)

245 Corum Hill Road

On Wed, Dec 11, 2019 at 8:56 AM Nigel A. Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF < nigel@ngunn.net> wrote:
True but the column headings are the same for all radios, which is what the original poster asked.
Chirp will take account of the differences in column contents.
On 11 December 2019 at 03:20 Neil Byng < NeilByng@maxeymoverley.com> wrote:

but bear in mind, for the naming feild, that some radios have diferent chr counts. as i found out between my gt3tp and a a58s which is a letter short.

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Nigel A. Gunn, ///shoulders.outwards.resolutions   tel +1 937 825 5032
Amateur Radio G8IFF W8IFF and GMRS WRBV701, e-mail nigel@ngunn.net www http://www.ngunn.net