On Sat, Aug 27, 2016 at 9:52 PM, Glenn glennervin@cableone.net wrote:
I have been reading on-line that Chirp will open up my Baofeng for listening to frequencies outside the current bands. Is this true? And if so, How do I do this? Thanks Glenn
Yes and no. CHIRP will allow you to set the band limits as low a 1 MHz and as high as 1000 MHz. With the radio set this way, you will be able to key any STEP compatible frequency into the VFO from 1.0000 MHz to 999.9975 MHz. For frequencies below 100.0000 MHz you can to key in 100.000 and use the arrow keys to get to the frequency that you want.
But you will quickly discover that not much outside of the factory band limits will work. It is just fun to key in CB channel 19 and show your friends.