Doug, I wonder how the Yaesu manager would respond if asked "has any customer ever 'damaged' a radio while using Yaesu-supplied software?"
As a newbe with a new Yaesu FT-70D, on 3/16/2019 I used CHIRP to easily
import into it the 43 repeaters within 20 miles of me, per
I first installed a virtual com port to my Win10 laptop using:
I first manually programmed two repeaters into my FT-70D so I'd have some
data to view.
Then I ran the CHIRP program, following its on-screen instructions to
connect my HT.
Using the CHIRP program, I then imported my area's repeaters.
Then I exported the data so I could use Excel to re-arrange the rows.
Having the data in Excel allowed me to print a list on paper, that I now
refer to.
Then I imported the data back to my FT-70D without problems.
FWIW, on the "Official Yaesu USA" Facebook group site, the Yaesu nat'l
sales mgr, John Kruk, on 3/12/2019, responded to a comment, "Is there a
problem using chirp?" by writing "Yes CHIRP has damaged radios". Perhaps
someone had tried using CHIRP with an unlisted radio or had failed to
follow the CHIRP instructions. I discovered Mr. Kruk's comment after I had
successfully used CHIRP.
Thank you for the volunteers who developed and maintain CHIRP!
Doug K7KDG
PS. I'm re-sending this msg as "plain text" 'cause my first effort using
html was "scrubbed" by Mailman.
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