I would suspect that the offset, puts it outside its allowed frequency operating range. There is a setting where you specify the transmitting limits but have not done it in years, so don’t remember which setting. I suggest you check that setting for the operating range and adjust it as required.
I have one of the old Part 90 units and it works just fine in all ham and commercial frequencies but am not sure if I had to open the transmitting band first. I probably did but just don’t remember.
From: chirp_users-bounces@intrepid.danplanet.com [mailto:chirp_users-bounces@intrepid.danplanet.com] On Behalf Of babj615 Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2021 1:22 PM To: Discussion of CHIRP Subject: Re: [chirp_users] confirm 7742568011fbca21b483239483f2960577634da1
May be related to this: "Compared with other classic series from BAOFENG, this is a 100% legal version with the compliant transmit range and spurious emission, complies with FCC Equipment Rule Part15B and Part90."
Possible helpful YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQ_JzivmjyI
On Sun, May 30, 2021 at 12:07 PM Steve Horning n0xvz.1@gmail.com wrote:
First, I'm not sure if I've missed something in my research, so I apologize if I'm asking an obvious question.
I recently purchased a Baofeng GT-5R and tried to program it with Chirp. What I've noticed is that whether I import repeater settings or input them manually, Chirp is not saving the offsets. Instead, it's listing all of them as "off". I have used Chirp to program a UV-5R without any problems. I can enter repeater information manually, but if I download the data from the radio, the offsets also reset to "off".
Thanks for your suggestions.
73, Steve, N0XVZ