
If you will enter the email address you used to sign up at http://intrepid.danplanet.com/mailman/listinfo/chirp_users down close to the bottom of the page in a blank box next to a button marked:

"Unsubscribe or edit options", it will allow you to change your settings for the emails.


Be blessed!

May 2019 be our year of change & growth!


Gary Craig  KI5CCD


Webco Industries

Texas Distribution

750 Martin Luther King Jr Dr

Orange, TX 77630-3094

409-886-0807 ext. 107

Fax 918-246-7045




From: chirp_users-bounces@intrepid.danplanet.com <chirp_users-bounces@intrepid.danplanet.com> On Behalf Of randy true
Sent: Friday, April 12, 2019 6:34 AM
To: Discussion of CHIRP <chirp_users@intrepid.danplanet.com>
Subject: [chirp_users] email settings


This email originated from an external sender. Use caution when following links or opening attachments as they could be malicious

Is there a way to change how I receive the emails? I'd like to change to a daily version.


Randy W4RTT