On 2024-01-10 08:15:, Jim Unroe wrote:
CHIRP CSV files often have multiple trailing commas at the end of each line due to the URXALL, RPT1CALL, RPT2CALL and DVCODE fields rarely being used. Power,Comment,URCALL,RPT1CALL,RPT2CALL,DVCODE 5.00,,Low,,,,, Excel is known to remove multiple trailing commas at the end of a line. When CHIRP reads the CSV file where the trailing commas have been removed, the trailing data will be read into the wrong fields. Excel always works fine if there is alway something in the last field of each line. I've read that there is a setting that you can enable in excel that tells it to leave trailing commas alone. I don't have excel so I can't verify this. Perhaps it would be possible to have CHIRP always resync with the beginning of the CSV file's next line when a linefeed is encountered? Jim KC9HI
// This is the discussion that I need to capture in my notes for the ARES group. // I have been "lucky" not to have run into this in the past. And wrt the present file, all channels end with a comment, so if there are blank fields, the csv will be correctly formatted (IAW your trailing ,,, comment).
I will look into Excel settings, but any rate, I need to caution the group. I've never had a problem with chirp, but then I am fairly computer literate, and I don't know how that enhances my chirp experiences.
...and finally...
so I can't verify this. Perhaps it would be possible to have CHIRP always resync with the beginning of the CSV file's next line when a linefeed is encountered? Jim KC9HI
Absolutely common sense. Would be surprise were it not already the case...
73 Rich NE1EE The Dusty Key On the banks of the Piscataqua