Hi, I wonder if anybody has tried this and can offer advice: I have chirp running on a laptop in my apt, but an FT8900 is in a boiler room one the roof. The remote control head for the radio is down in the apartment.
I can connect to the FT8900 by running a ser2net service up there and socat down here. With this setup and permissions all set OK using /dev/pts/5, I can see the FT8900 send a character when I put it into clone mode. But chirp will not recognise anything and gives me "Failed to communicate with radio: Failed to read header (0)"
I am using SuSE linux here and CentOS upstairs. I have tried setting the serial port up there to 1200, 4800, 9600 and 19200. I assume that chirp uses autobauding to communicate with the radio but that is obviously not available over a tcp connection.
Any help would be appreciated!
73 de Nigel ve3id