For all Windows users I would recommend Calc from LibreOffice.  It is free and part of a suite of applications more versatile than Windows Office.  Chris, N1CAK

On 6/24/2019 10:37 AM, D.J.J. Ring, Jr. wrote:
Good news, Dan - for Windows users that is.

Gnumeric is now available for Windows 10.

If you want some software that's fast, I recommend Gnumeric and Abiword.  Very small size programs but do what most people need to do, and they work very fast.

Hmmm, just like CHIRP.  Fast and useful.


On Mon, Jun 24, 2019 at 10:31 AM Dan Clemmensen <> wrote:
Visicalc was first. It was the killer app for use of the PC in the office.

There is no need to pay for a fancy spreadheet to use CHIRP. They are bloated and complicated. I am a free software fanatic, so I use Gnumeric. It has all the capabilities you need for use with CHIRP (and pretty much anything else). I'm a Linux user. Unfortunately for Windows user, new versions do not run on Windows.

If I were forced to use Windows or some other strange platform, I would use Google Sheets.

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Staff Sergeant, United States Air Force, 1970 - 1974

Call Sign:  N1CAK - Amateur Extra Class
	    Accredited Volunteer Examiner (VE)