> I suggest that the file for the latest stable be replaced by a Daily
> Build that was an excellent one.
> Better yet would be to ELIMINATE a stable build and just have a link to
> Today's latest Daily Build.
We have plans to do this. There are some logistics that need to be
worked out in order to make that smooth. We'll get there.
> It would eliminate 99% of people's problems with CHIRP.
I appreciate your estimates here, but I think what you mean is: "It
would eliminate 99% of the baofeng users that come here and report that
issue." You don't see the majority of the users that work with the
stable build every day because they don't come here and say "Just so you
know, I downloaded 0.4.1 and everything worked."
>From the patronage of the list here, it's easy to assume "all the
world's a [baofeng]" -- but it's not [1].
[1]: http://www.catb.org/jargon/html/V/vaxocentrism.html
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