On 2/9/19 8:18 AM, Anthony Crespo wrote:
this link takes me nowhere? file 404 not found

On Sat, Feb 9, 2019 at 12:11 AM D.J.J. Ring, Jr. <n1ea@arrl.net> wrote:
Hello Scott,

Here is the link to download the latest CHIRP.

Paste that into your browser, and then press ENTER.

Hopefully your browser will ask you what to do with the file
chirp-daily-20190206-installer.exe -- the answer is you want to SAVE
AS.  I put my download files in a folder called "Downloads".

Note:  CHIRP runs on Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 10. Older
versions of Windows are not supported

When it is finished saving, using Windows Explorer (the file explorer)
go to Downloads, and find chirp-daily-20190206-installer.exe.  Select
it with the mouse arrow, then use the right mouse button and click the
button and there will be a menu, you want to use "Open As
Administrator".  Open or Run is the same meaning so if it says "Run As
Administrator" that's OK - I just cannot remember which it says. Click
Open (or Run) as administrator with the left mouse button.

Follow the prompts and install CHIRP.

Here is the page on problems with Drivers under Windows - if you have
the cable sold by your radio maker's company, you won't have a problem
but "cheap" cables often are counterfeit.

This page will help you find which COM port your cable is hooked up to:
https://chirp.danplanet.com/projects/chirp/wiki/FAQ  Under Windows you
need to use Device Manager.  How to is on this page.

Hope this helps.

David N1EA
chirp_users mailing list
This message was sent to Anthony at ajcscan@gmail.com
To unsubscribe, send an email to chirp_users-unsubscribe@intrepid.danplanet.com

Anthony Crespo

chirp_users mailing list
This message was sent to Dick Smith at w4rss@radioclub.org
To unsubscribe, send an email to chirp_users-unsubscribe@intrepid.danplanet.com
Change the "20190206" to 20190209" in the link and it will find it.  The listed link was for a previous iteration of Chirp.
