Fair warning: I have never laid hands on a VX-5. I wrote the driver purely in speculation and have had reports that it works.
Now I put the VX5 in memory recall mode and look for memories 201-216. They're not there! However, if I try to create a new memory with the VX5, the VX5 shows those slots are taken.
Perhaps the driver is not properly setting some used/empty bit?
No luck. I got CLONE ERROR on the display, and this in the terminal:
"Clone failed: Radio did not ack block 1"
If this happened and then you were able to upload/download it again later, I think it was probably an intermittent cable/connection issue, or some stale data in the serial buffer.
- Download from radio VX5
- Add memory 1: 146.52
- Upload to radio VX5
Does this mean add memory 1 where it didn't exist before? If so, that blows my theory above out of the water.
I'm not sure what to try next. I can provide img files if needed.
If I were you, I'd start downloading images, making small changes, downloading more images and doing the binary diff dance. I can do it for you, but it's much (much) harder to do so without hands on the radio. I can help you through it on IRC if you like :)