Dear all,

I started learning Python the past time and from my understanding the Model send from the TH-F7E is weird, here the debug output:
(There is non-standard outout in I added to help me understand how the parts fit together)

[2015-06-28 16:23:10,581] chirp.drivers.kenwood_live - INFO: Trying ID at baud 9600 with delimiter "('\r', ' ')"
[2015-06-28 16:23:10,619] chirp.drivers.kenwood_live - DEBUG: PC->RADIO: ID
[2015-06-28 16:23:10,640] chirp.drivers.kenwood_live - DEBUG: RADIO->PC: E^MID TH-F7^ME^ME
[2015-06-28 16:23:10,640] chirp.detect - DEBUG: detect_kenwoodlive_radio called on Port /dev/ttyUSB0
[2015-06-28 16:23:10,641] chirp.detect - DEBUG:   serial set to Serial<id=0x7fac8f7d3f10, open=True>(port='/dev/ttyUSB0', baudrate=9600, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=0.5, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False)
[2015-06-28 16:23:10,641] chirp.detect - DEBUG:   got r_id TH-F7^ME^ME
[2015-06-28 16:23:10,908] chirp.detect - DEBUG:     rclass.VENDOR  Yaesu

That explaines why the console output looks scrambled:
RROR: ----------------------------
INFO: Trying ID at baud 9600 with delimiter "('\r', ' ')"
E' bye --- Exception Dialog: Unsupported model 'TH-F7
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/chi/LANG/python/chirp/chirp-daily-20150616/chirp/ui/", line 175, in run
    cs.radio_class = detect.DETECT_FUNCTIONS[vendor](cs.port)
  File "/home/chi/LANG/python/chirp/chirp-daily-20150616/chirp/", line 108, in detect_kenwoodlive_radio
    raise errors.RadioError("Unsupported model '%s' bye" % r_id)
E' byerror: Unsupported model 'TH-F7

ERROR: ----------------------------

Inline-Bild 1

Not sure how to continue now

73 Christian = DG7PC

2015-06-02 13:03 GMT+02:00 Christian Hilgers <>:
Hi Tom,

took me a while to move to a daily build, but that's done now.

But nothing changed according to the Umlauts, here a screenshot from today, you can see locations
0, 9, 10,15,16 with incorrect characters.

I assume this is related and the hook to fix it, shows a Kenwood TH-F7 and mine is a TH-F7E. The characterset offered by the RIG seems to be extended compared to the TH-F7 by 65 characters see page 17

while trying to autodectect the Type it fails as follows
ERROR: Timeout waiting for data
E' --- --- Exception Dialog: Unsupported model `TH-F7
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/chirp/chirp-daily-20150530/chirp/ui/", line 175, in run
    cs.radio_class = detect.DETECT_FUNCTIONS[vendor](cs.port)
  File "/opt/chirp/chirp-daily-20150530/chirp/", line 103, in detect_kenwoodlive_radio
    raise errors.RadioError("Unsupported model `%s'" % r_id)
E'dioError: Unsupported model `TH-F7

ERROR: ----------------------------

I did above tests while manually set to TH-F7.  I checked the code but I am not really used to Python, I am more the bash coder :) so I cannot attach a patch right now.

Give me some hints or create a TH-F7/TH-F7E switch I could extend in a local copy.

73 Christian

2015-05-18 17:08 GMT+02:00 Tom Hayward <>:
On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 2:55 AM, Christian Hilgers
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I tested chirp 0.4.1 on Debian Jessie with my Kenwood TH-F7e via USB-serial
> Adapter and a serial-RIG Cable.
> It worked very well and I could read and write data from and to the
> handheld.

0.4.1 is long out of date. Best to use the daily build, currently

> It failed while reading Frequency Names like Düsseldorf or others with
> Umlauts. I am running UTF8 on my box.

How did the failure manifest? The only issue I know of with umlauts is
when used in a Windows user name (and subsequently the home directory
path), Chirp fails to run. This is a tough one, because the Chirp code
does all the right things for UTF-8 support. We're thinking it's a
PyGTK issue (which Chirp depends on).

Each radio has a specific character set that it will accept for
frequency names. Many radios define this in the manual which Chirp
developers can reference to implement identical support. If the
character set is not printed in the manual, it's a bit of a guessing
game which characters the radio will support. Sometimes we get it
wrong. FWIW, I'm not aware of any radio that supports UTF-8 in the
frequency names, but extended ASCII is relatively common. Here's the
full list of what Chirp implements for each radio:

If something here differs from what the radio supports, let us know.

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