8 Jun
8 Jun
1:55 p.m.
That tells me that the Motorola is really Digital Private Line (tm) or DPL(tm). So is Digital Tone Coded Squelch.
Glad you got it figured out.
On 06/08/2016 11:32 AM, Jeffrey wrote:
Thanks everyone, I figured it out through trial and error.
What Motorola software has as "PL" is DTCS in Chirp. I set up tome mode as DTCS and 664 and it works. Finally.
I'm just learning all this, and it sure would be easier if everyone used the same terms.
* Amateur Radio Station AC0HY *
* W. Paul Mills SN807 *
* Assistant EC Alpha-1 ARES Shawnee/Wabunsee, KS *
* President Kaw Valley Amateur Radio Club *