Hi Nick,
On Sun, May 10, 2015 at 4:57 PM, Nick Nudell medicnick@gmail.com wrote:
I'm trying to import a csv for a Baofeng BF-F8+ but found the only way to read the radio was to select UV5R.
UV-5R is correc for the BF-F8+
ANyways, see the attached error message when importing the csv... the CSV was first exported and then I pasted the content from my other radio (UV82) csv file to it.
I don't see any attached "error message". My guess is that you must by messing up the CSV format when you are appending the UV-82 data to it.
You are making this way harder than it needs to be. There are no CSV files required.
Method 1 1 Download from your UV-82 to CHIRP (this creates a tab for the UV-82) 2 Download from your BF-F8+ to CHIRP (this creads a 2nd tab for your BF-F8+) 3 Now copy and paste the channels from the UV-82 tab to the BF-F8+ tab
Method 2 1 Download from your BF-F8+ to CHIRP 2a Click File->Import 2b Now change the button that says "CHIRP Files (*.chirp)" to "CHIRP Radio Images (*.img)" 2c Find and import the "image" file for your UV-82 2d Choose which channels that you want to import from the UV-82 and where you want them imported to 2d Click the [OK] button
Any ideas?
Thanks! Nick