I have a uv25 and am trying to enter frequencies around 240mhz, AM, airband.
I can enter the frequency but it won't let me enter the mode as AM. It reports that the frequency must be FM. The frequency is used by aircraft and in the AM mode. I have entered the frequency in other radios and can set them to AM. But not the uv25.
Also chirp has uv25 listed under baofeng but it won't accept any airband frequencies. Using uv17pro will let me enter the frequency but only in FM.
Two things:
First, CHIRP has this listed as not supporting airband which is why you can't enter those frequencies or choose AM. Looking at the spec sheet, that's wrong, so please file a bug on the site and I'll fix that for the UV-25 this weekend.
Second, these ultra low-cost radios do not have the ability to run any channel in AM mode. They decide which mode to be in based on the frequency and CHIRP has no control over it. It's a real pain in the butt for CHIRP in that regard. Either way, the spec sheet shows that it will choose AM between 108 and 136MHz and FM on any other frequency. That means that even when I fix the above, you will not be able to get that radio on AM at 240MHz. (Please do still file the bug for posterity though).