Eric and Discussion of CHIRP,

For those who have vision problems including blindness, I heartily recommend SLINT based on Slackware. SLINT stands for SLackware INTernational and it supports many languages and it is the most accessible distribution I know of.  There are several speech systems supported, and IBM Text to Speech - VOXIN - is supported even though VOXIN must be purchased for $5.00 per language from a non-profit group.

CHIRP and other ham radio programs are available for SLINT.  I'm using SLINT right now.


On Sun, Feb 21, 2021 at 1:13 PM Eric Oyen via chirp_users <> wrote:
Actually, that is not a bad idea all things considered. An open API that is standard regardless of OS would make life a lot easier for both the coders and users. Unfortunately, try convincing both Apple and Microsoft of this. Perhaps something like the UEFI consortium might work to get this to happen.

DE n7zzt Eric

On Feb 21, 2021, at 9:14 AM, Chuck Hast <> wrote:

I think that this is one that the proprietary folks could take a
lesson from Open Source, I know several people who use
Chirp on Linux for the open screen reader interface. I think it
is time that those two groups stump up and write code that
will use the open API rather than force the Chirp coders to
code for their proprietary interfaces. They have enough on
their plates keeping up with all of the other stuff. Knowing 
that I have vision limited friends who happily use Linux for
the screen reader interface nulls that whole Chirp should
meet MS/Apple API's. Sorry but they either need to cut
bait or get off the dock.