Hi Kurt
I'll give it another try tonight with the linux version. I think I have another cable and will give it a go too. I will say that after I have Chirp read the ND, there is a delay, then a beep and then the screen on the ND says ERROR. Thing is, even with this funky read process, all of the memories are appropriately read and displayed on the computer screen in chirp. I'll see what a different cable does and try the write process from chirp to the ND with the debug command.
Could you please run in linux the attached script and send me the output: - copy the file to your chirp-devel directory in the chirp subdir (the same where the ft817.py file is) - cd to that dir - prepare the radio for the clone operation - run it with python ./dump817nd.py /dev/ttydeviceofyour817 2>&1 >/tmp/817dump - start radio clone tx wait for the clone to complete, the radio should complain "as usual" and the program should take a few seconds to finish after the actual data transfer is ended. Send the generated /tmp/817dump file. Plese send also an image of the white label on the radio (the one with model, serial number etc): we have to find not only the protocol details but also a way to recognize the various radio sub models.
Thank for your help
73 de IZ3GME Marco