#91: Kenwood tm-v71 identifies, then Chirp freezes... ---------------------------------+------------------------------------------ Reporter: psharmor@… | Owner: kk7ds Type: Bug | Status: accepted Priority: Functionality | Milestone: Component: Memory Editor | Version: 0.1.9 Resolution: | Keywords: kenwood tm-v71 tmv71 Platform: Linux | ---------------------------------+------------------------------------------
Comment (by kk7ds):
Hmm, that's extremely bizarre. When I program it, I do so outside of programming mode, just powered on normally.
The ID'ing behavior is also strange and not what I see (although it's probably related to being in program mode).
Note that tmv71a_ll.py is no longer used by that driver and will be removed from the tree at some point. This model is now controlled in live mode like the TM-D710, so all the code for it lives in kenwood_live.py.