On Sat, Jul 27, 2013 at 2:29 AM, M Schontz k8fu@aol.com wrote:
I have downloaded CHIRP in an attempt to program my 5re +. Can someone tell me how to accomplish this ?? Are there any instructions for programming in the download. Many thanks .....
M Schontz k8fu@aol.com
Yes. Go to the CHIRP website and select the Wiki tab. At the top of the page where it says "To get started:", click on the 'documentation' link of step 2.
On the Documentation page, start by taking a look at the Beginners_Guide (the UV-5R and variants use 'clone' mode) and then take a look at MemoryEditorColumns.
You can also get some help from the Miklor.com CHIRP pages
Most of the time when CHIRP won't work with a UV-5R radio, CHIRP isn't the problem. It is usually an issue with the programming cable and/or a Windows driver issue. The Miklor.com/uv5r/ pages can help you with these kinds of issues.
For help with UV-5R specific issues, join the Yahoo! baofeng_uv5r group.
Good luck, Jim KC9HI