On 02/10/2018 06:48 PM, Michael Sanford
Ken, RT Systems sells a cable and software for that radio, it only
runs on Windows. They tell me that Mac drivers are coming soon….
The product number can be located here https://www.rtsystemsinc.com/FT-2D-programming-software-and-USB-cable-s/2389.htm.
I have an RTS Yaesu cable, and in my limited experience it works
fine w/ Linux.
I ran into an unexpected problem this week. I'm hosting a GOTA
series in Tigard, OR, and the radio of one student, an FT-25R, would
not mechanically accept the RTS cable. The FT-25R is one of the
water-resistant models and when the cap was unscrewed from the port,
what was left was too small to fit the RTS cable over-molding.
I started fishing around for friends with other cables and
contemplating taking an Exacto knife to mine -- then realized this
radio is VHF-only, and not suitable for what we'd like to program
into it, anyway. It can't talk to our repeater. (Not sure how I'm
going to break that news to her, come Monday.)
Benton 10feb18