You need to read from your radio first, save that file in case you need to revert to it,  then copy and paste from your friends file to yours. Then make your changes, save the file, and write to your radio. 

Jardy Dawson WA7JRD

Message sent from some electronic device that only the Manufacturer of said device really cares about. 

On Jan 4, 2020, at 16:41, R. Benne <> wrote:

Friend bot an 82C.  Wanted to make some changes to what he programmed so sent me the *img file.  I opened it in Chirp and made the changes.  When I went to send it back I cannot seem to have the file save the changes I make - it simply reverts back to the "old" file.

-  Is the file unique to him and his radio so I am unable to make changes on my PC and have them saved?

-  Do we need to use the import/export function to make, save and reinstall the corrected program? _______________________________________________
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