I have an ic-2100, Icom USB OPC-478 FTDI (Valley Enterprises), driver from ftdichip.com and Windows XP setup. The usb serial port is on com 5 (I checked in device manager). With the ic 1200 in the clone mode, asking chirp to download from the radio, clicking OK and pushing the smwmw button on the radio, I get “An error has occurred. Failed to communicate with the radio unexpected response from radio”. I even tried without putting the radio in the clone mode......same response.....also tried two other computers (one XP and one Windows 7). When I ask the program to detect the radio I get....”An error has occurred. Unable to get radio model.” Am I missing a step or two or doing things wrong? Any help would be appreciated.
Icom radios are smart. Simply power them on (not in clone mode), connect the cable, and tell chirp to download it. If you try to initiate a clone from the radio, you'll break the communication process.